Dream a little more reasonably, darling

One of the questions we were asked on the previously-mentioned Agency Hackers’ video session was “how do we approach our dream clients?”

It actually got me thinking… what is the dream client? Is it the one-off, big invoice, buy a new car client? The minuscule client happy to sign a ten-year retainer? Or is it the one who simply lets you get on with the job, thanks you for your work, pays you promptly, and then gets on with preparing your next brief?

You might think you want to work with an Apple or Nike or Atari, but (having worked for at least one of those) I can assure you, you probably don’t want to work with any of them. And why would I say that? Well because they KNOW they are ‘dream clients’ so you’ll be jumping through hoops day and night, just about make a profit if you’re lucky, and rarely get a smile out of them let alone a pat on the back.

When putting your new business targets together, don’t just look to the stars and get all dreamy; instead think about the clients from your past that ‘got you’ (and liked you and paid you). Break them down and understand why you worked so well with them. That should leave you with a profile for who really is your dream client. NOW you can build a proper database and do some more reasonable fishing.

Happy hunting. Darling.