Sponge New Business agency

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Use you're head

Your already sniggering aren’t you? Your looking at this thinking “what an idiot. He has NO IDEA how to use apostrophes”.

I - however - am sniggering back because…. Im doing it on purpose! (although it is making my OCD tingle like Spider-Man at a Doc Octopus convention*).

Basic spelling errors and apostrophe misuse are simple mistakes to make, but 1) it might be the difference that put’s you in second place to you’re competitor, and 2) its entirely avoidable FOR FREE.

Im talking about grammarly.com (and yes - im still doing it on pirpose).

It really doesn’t matter how good a writer you are or how excellent your spelling and punctuation generally is, you WILL make a mistake at some point - it’s just going to happen, trust me. So make sure you take advantage of the free tools afforded to us in the year 2021. Get a Grammarly extension for Chrome or just get into the habit of copying any large doc into a blank Grammarly page before it goes anywhere, just in case it spots something silly you’ve done or - god forbid - has a better idea to suggest.

You still use a calculator to check basic equations (yes, even the ones that make you hang your head in shame afterwards) so dont be a snob about it. (See what I did their?)

*We’re easily the nerdiest new business agency.