Sponge New Business agency

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The multiverse of New Business

Have you seen that Rick and Morty where there’s a dimension where phones sit on pizzas and order chairs for food using small humans as communication devices? No? Your loss; it’s a good one.

It also ‘proves’ that anything is possible once you accept the multiverse. Ish.

So, imagine if you will, a world in which you ONLY win new business through case studies. No pitches, no networking, no LinkedIn pitch-slapping and no trade shows (I know - what ARE you going to do with all that money I’ve just saved you!).

Now… take a look at your web site and your creds. How good are your case studies? Are they showing RESULTS (yes - people do expect your work to actually achieve something)? If your medium is visual are there more pictures than words? If your medium is words, are there any typos, extra character spaces or mis-used semicolons? If the client was delighted with your work is there a testimonial?

Case studies are GOLD.

I can tell you that ANYONE who hires an external agency IMMEDIATELY doesn’t trust them. It’s not your fault, one simply can’t help it!

Hyperbole has no place in case studies. Tell me what you achieved (first) and then break down how you did it so brilliantly. That is LITERALLY all I care about (well… apart from how much it’s going to cost me).

Play my little game, turn the spotlight on your case studies and imagine that ALL your New Business relies on them. Are you still happy with them?